Zesty Bean and Almond , Peanuts and Corn

Salad in a jiffy

Green crunchy beans and almonds look yummy , but throw in the goodness of roasted peanuts and fresh corn kernels and you have a yummylicious salad. Snack on it or pair it with your favourite dish .

I am not a foodie per se , but can recognize health food miles away and Fitness being my mantra , I touch upon only those aspects of food that focus on beauty and fitness. Every ingredient of every dish has a zillion benefits and for that we have Big Daddy Google to list it all.

Beans almond salad

Rich and Yummy

Ingredients :

Beans – 100 gm , chop them to your preference

Roasted almonds – 10 to 12

Roasted peanuts – a handful

Corn kernels – 2 tablespoonful , fresh kernels best , but can make do with frozen ones

Olive oil – 1 teaspoonfuls

Salt – to taste

Lime juice – 1 teaspoonful.

Alter the proportions to suit your taste ( I use as less oil as possible )

Lets get started:

Place the chopped beans in a skillet and cover with cold water. Bring them to boil and let the beans simmer till they turn crisp-tender. Add the corn kernels and let simmer for another minute.

Heat one teaspoonful of olive oil , sauté the almonds and peanuts and then add the crunchy beans and corn.

Add salt and top it with lemon juice.

Serve it hot or cold. I prefer a cold salad.

You could add honey / bell peppers / seeds to make it more interesting. Anyone that loves to cook would agree that variations are innumerable and that’s what adds the zest and zing to cooking !

And it’s a good idea to store small quantities of nuts roasted , so they come in handy for a quick recipe.

Why this salad ?

Beans are the magic legumes , high in fiber and anti-oxidants and good for your waistline ! Yes , beans are comparable to meat , say registered nutritionists at Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s Wellness Institute in Chicago. Yet , a cut in calories ! High on fiber and water content , they give you a feeling of fullness since they digest slowly , keeping you satisfied longer and added to that , low on sugar. See the magic ?

Almond is the new Power Food , nut lovers rejoice ! Nutrient –dense and delicious ! New research suggests it could help in shedding those extra kilos !

A handful of almonds and your LDL could be lowered. Almonds coupled with other nuts and seeds in general are known to improve blood lipid levels.

And that brings us to peanuts. They aid in all of the above and in addition contain high concentrations of antioxidant polyphenols. Peanuts and peanut butter come packed with nutrition and good protein , good fats , fiber and more than 30 essential vitamins and nutrients that fit perfectly into a balanced diet. More news for weight watchers , peanuts help in keeping your metabolism at its best.

As much as nuts are a nutritionist’s delight and weight-watchers dream come true , moderation is the key ! Recommended daily servings are a handful of peanuts or two tablespoons of peanut butter.

Ask me , I live by what I am writing here in this article ( in most others too ! ) and have reaped the benefits of nuts.

Corn , another rich source of antioxidants and fiber has its role to play in weight-watching.

I like to stick by simple , doable health recipes that don’t demand too much time and effort , for that’s the only way to keep a healthy diet going.

Happy munching !









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